- 产品描述
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室
5. 游离坐骨神经和剪断股骨:认清坐骨神经沟和腓肠肌的部位,用剪刀剪断梨状肌及其周围的结缔组织,左手提着神经上的细线,右手持剪刀或玻璃分针沿坐骨神经沟细心剥离,直至将坐骨神经剥离到腘窝。将游离干净的坐骨神经放在下腿上,沿膝关节的周围将大腿的所有肌腱剪断,并用剪刀刮净股骨下段附着的肌肉,在股骨上1/3处剪去上段股骨及所附的肌肉,这样制成的称为坐骨神经下腿标本。
6. 游离腓肠肌:在坐骨神经下腿标本的基础上,用剪刀将跟腱的下端剪断,在跟腱与肌肉交界处扎一条细线,左手提线,右手用剪刀游离腓肠肌,直到膝关节。zui后用粗剪刀在膝关节下将小腿剪去,留下的即为坐骨神经腓肠肌标本。做好的标本用锌铜叉的两极轻轻接触坐骨神经,如腓肠肌立即收缩,表示标本的兴奋性良好,然后将标本放入任氏液中,待其兴奋性稳定后再进行实验。
1. 已剥离皮肤的组织避免接触皮肤毒液或其他不洁物。
2. 分离神经时,一定要用玻璃分针,不能随便用刀、剪进行操作。
3. 不能过分牵拉神经,以免造成损伤。
4. 标本制备过程中应适当地用任氏液湿润标本。
5. 避免用手指或金属器械接触或夹持标本的神经肌肉部分。
5. Free sciatic nerve and cut the femur: recognize the parts of the sciatic nerve sulcus and gastrocnemius muscle, with the scissors to cut the piriformis and its surrounding connective tissue, the left hand carrying the nerve on the thin line, right hand holding scissors or glass minute hand along the sciatic nerve groove carefully peel , Until the sciatic nerve stripped to popliteal fossa. The free and clean sciatic nerve on the lower leg, along the knee around the thigh will be cut all the tendons, and use scissors to clean the muscles attached to the lower femur, the upper femur 1/3 cut off the upper femur and attached muscles, so Made of sciatic nerve lower leg specimens.
6. Free gastrocnemius: On the basis of sciatic nerve lower leg specimens, cut the lower end of the Achilles tendon with scissors, tie a thin line at the junction of Achilles tendon and muscle, raise the left hand and the right hand use scissors to free the gastrocnemius muscle until the knee joint. Finally, use the scissors to cut off the calf under the knee joint, leaving the sciatic nerve gastrocnemius specimen. Well done specimens with zinc copper fork gently touch the sciatic nerve poles, such as immediate contraction of the gastrocnemius, said specimens of excitability is good, and then the specimens into Ren's solution, to be excitatory stability after the experiment.
1. Skin that has been stripped of skin Avoid contact with skin venom or other impurities.
2. Separation of nerves, we must use glass minutes, can not just use a knife, cut to operate.
3. Do not pull the nerves too much, so as not to cause damage.
4. Rinsate specimens should be properly wetted with specimens during specimen preparation.
5. Avoid touching or holding the neuromuscular parts of the specimen with your fingers or metal devices.